Florida Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials Symposium
Conference Awards
The Florida Hazardous Materials Symposium Board of Directors proudly presents a number of annual awards at the Symposium. These prestigious awards are presented during the opening ceremony to individuals that deserve to be recognized for their contributions to the Hazardous Materials Response Community. These awards include:
• “President’s Award”
• “HazMat Mover and Shaker Award”
• “In The Hot Zone Award”
• “Richard H. Stilp Lifetime Achievement Award”
Mission Statement
The Florida Hazardous Materials Symposium aim to enhance and better train/educate first responders, first receivers, manufacturers and industry partners regarding hazardous materials response, mitigation, prevention and safety through classroom and hands on trainings.
Goals & Objectives
To provide the highest quality training and experience through classroom and hands-on training to first responders, first receivers, and industry professionals in the Hazardous Materials response community.
Collaborate with other local, state, and international organizations in areas of mutual concern with Hazardous Materials response.
Promote the continuous advancement of safety, accident prevention, and hazardous materials response and technology
Strive for a universal level of professionalism and competence among responders and all professionals and practitioners in the multi-discipline of occupational and environmental safety, health, and accident prevention in hazardous materials response.
❖ President’s Award
The President’s Award is established to honor a person(s) who has supported the goals and objectives of the Florida Hazardous Materials Symposium. Their efforts have contributed to the betterment of the Symposium and ultimately the response community. The award is given at the discretion of the Symposium President and is intended to recognize those individuals who have provided significant contributions in a “behind-the-scenes” way to support Symposium operations.
❖ HazMat Mover and Shaker Award
The HazMat Mover and Shaker Award bestows a high level of professional recognition to persons who have made significant contributions either locally or regionally to the Hazardous Materials emergency response profession. This award recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional leadership, service, and commitment to the mission and goals of the Hazardous Materials response community by making a difference predominantly at the local or regional level. Nominees are held in high esteem by their colleagues and peers. They are recognized for upholding professional standards, mentoring others, and contributing to day-to-day excellence within their chosen discipline.
❖ In The Hot Zone Award
The “In The Hot Zone Award” represents the second highest honor. The In The Hot Zone Award bestows the highest level of professional recognition and respect to those persons who have made significant contributions to the overall Hazardous Materials emergency response community (State or National) and not just on a local or regional level. The award recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional leadership, service, and commitment to the mission and goals of the Hazardous Materials response community. Nominees are held in high esteem by their colleagues and peers, are recognized for upholding professional standards, mentoring others, and contributing to day-to-day excellence within their chosen discipline from a national perspective.
❖ Richard H. Stilp Lifetime Achievement Award
The Richard H. Stilp Lifetime Achievement Award is established to recognize a person who has distinguished themselves with an exceptional career in the field of Hazardous Materials emergency response. The award is presented annually to an individual who has served with honor and distinction throughout their career by exhibiting outstanding leadership and has made major contributions to further and enhance the Hazardous Materials emergency response profession. Nominees are held in the highest esteem by their colleagues and are recognized for upholding professional standards, contributing to the profession’s body of knowledge, mentoring others, and contributing to the day-to-day excellence in their chosen field within the Hazardous Materials emergency response community. This award is the highest honor presented by the Symposium. This recognition is only awarded if there is a candidate who, in the eyes of the Selection Committee, clearly meets the above criteria. Therefore, there may be times the Symposium does not award this prestigious honor.
Nomination Process
The nominations must contain the person’s name, the award that they are being submitted for, and a written statement by the submitter identifying their reason for nominating the individual for the award.
The submissions will be reviewed by the Selection Committee and rated on the merit of each submission. Members of the Selection Committee may also submit persons for consideration. The Selection Committee will carefully weigh each submission and rank the nominees based upon merit. The Awards Chairman will make the final determination based on Committee’s recommendations. Typically, there will be one person selected for each award but if the submissions are close, or there is a reason for exception, the Awards Chairman may choose to present more than one award in any of the categories.
• President’s Award – (1-2 per year)
• HazMat Mover and Shaker Award – (1-2 per year)
• “In The Hot Zone” Award – (1-2 per year)
• Lifetime Achievement Award – (0-2 per year)
The Selection committee will include the Awards Chairman, the Symposium Executive Director, and two members of the Board of Directors. Except for the first three years, persons nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award should have previously been awarded a “Hot Zone” award.
All nominations must be emailed to Michelle Cechowski at michelle@flhazmatsymposium.org by December 20, 2024.